Since fewer inputs are consumed to produce a unit of output with every improvement in process, the real cost of production falls over time. As a result, prices should also fall with the progression of time. "As society's capacity to deliver goods and services is increased by the use of plant and still more by scientific progress, and decreased by the production, maintenance, or depreciation of it, we can issue credit, in costs, at a greater rate than the rate at which we take it back through prices of ultimate products, if capacity to supply individuals exceeds desire.".[4]
Based on his conclusion that the real cost of production is less than the financial cost of production, the Douglas price rebate (Compensated Price) is determined by the ratio of consumption to production. Since consumption over a period of time is typically less than production over the same period of time in any industrial society, the real cost of goods should be less than the financial cost.
For example, if the money cost of a good is $100, and the ratio of consumption to production is 3/4, then the real cost of the good is $100(3/4)=$75. As a result, if a consumer spent $100 for a good, the National Credit Authority would rebate the consumer $25. The good costs the consumer $75, the retailer receives $100, and the consumer receives the difference of $25 via new credits created by the National Credit Authority.
The National Dividend is justified by the displacement of labour in the productive process due to technological increases in productivity. As human labour is increasingly replaced by machines in the productive process, Douglas believed people should be free to consume while enjoying increasing amounts of leisure, and that the Dividend would provide this freedom.
Critics of the theorem, such as J.M. Pullen, Hawtrey and J.M Keynes argue there is no difference between A and B payments. Other critics, such as Gary North, argue that Social Credit policies are inflationary. "The A + B theorem has met with almost universal rejection from academic economists on the grounds that, although B payments may be made initially to “other organizations,” they will not necessarily be lost to the flow of available purchasing power. A and B payments overlap through time. Even if the B payments are received and spent before the finished product is available for purchase, current purchasing power will be boosted by B payments received in the current production of goods that will be available for purchase in the future."[24]
J.M.ピューレン、ホートレイ、J.M ケインズのようなA+B定理の批判者は、支払Aと支払Bの間に違いはないと論じた。ゲイリー・ノースをはじめとする他の批判者は、社会信用政策はインフレーションを誘発するものだと論じた。「はじめに『他の組織』へ支払ったからといって、Bが必ずしも有効購買力のフローから消え去るわけではないという理由で、A+B定理は、ほとんど全ての大学の経済学者から相手にされなかった。支払Aと支払Bは、時間の経過とともに重複していく。例え支払Bが、最終生産物の購入前に受領され支払われたとしても、将来購入されるべき商品の現在の生産過程によって受領された支払Bによって、現在の購買力は増大するはずだ。」
A.W. Joseph replied to this specific criticism in a paper given to the Birmingham Actuarial Society, "Banking and Industry":
A.W. ジョゼフは、バーミンガム保険数理学会に寄稿した論文「銀行業と工業」の中で、上記の典型的な批判に対してこう答えている。
In symbols if B1/A1 = k1 and B2/A2 = k2 both k1 and k2 are increasing.
B1/A1 = k1 及び B2/A2 = k2 とすると、k1、k2 とも増加する。
Since A2=B1 this means that (A2+B2)/(A1+B1)= (1+k2)*A2/(1+1/k1)*B1 = (1+k2)/(1+1/k1) which is increasing.
A2=B1 であるから、(A2+B2)/(A1+B1)= (1+k2)*A2/(1+1/k1)*B1 = (1+k2)/(1+1/k1) となり、[訳註:資本財の消費材に対する生産費用の割合は]増加する。
Thus in order that the economic system should keep working it is essential that capital goods should be produced in ever increasing quantity relatively to consumable goods. As soon as the ratio of capital goods to consumable goods slackens, costs exceed money distributed, i.e. the consumer is unable to purchase the consumable goods coming on the market."
The criticism that Social Credit policies are inflationary is based upon what economists call the quantity theory of money, which states that the quantity of money multiplied by its velocity of circulation equals total purchasing power. Douglas was quite critical of this theory stating, "The velocity of the circulation of money in the ordinary sense of the phrase, is – if I may put it that way – a complete myth. No additional purchasing power at all is created by the velocity of the circulation of money. The rate of transfer from hand-to-hand, as you might say, of goods is increased, of course, by the rate of spending, but no more costs can be canceled by one unit of purchasing power than one unit of cost. Every time a unit of purchasing power passes through the costing system it creates a cost, and when it comes back again to the same costing system by the buying and transfer of the unit of production to the consuming system it may be cancelled, but that process is quite irrespective of what is called the velocity of money, so the categorical answer is that I do not take any account of the velocity of money in that sense."[27] The Alberta Social Credit government published in a committee report what was perceived as an error in regards to this theory: “The fallacy in the theory lies in the incorrect assumption that money 'circulates', whereas it is issued against production, and withdrawn as purchasing power as the goods are bought for consumption."[28]
貨幣数量説と呼ぶ理論に基づいている。貨幣数量説とは、流通速度を貨幣量に乗じたが購買力の総額になるというものである。ダグラスはこの理論に対して非常に批判的であり、「通常の意味での貨幣の流通速度というのは — もしそう言ってもいいならば — 完全な神話である。貨幣の流通速度が購買力の増加分を生み出すことは全くない。勿論、人の手から手へ商品が移動する速度が貨幣の使用速度の増加によって大きくなるのは仰る通りだが、購買力一単位が一単位以上の費用と釣り合うことはない。購買力一単位が原価計算システムを通過する度に費用が発生し、それは購入及び生産物一単位の消費システムへの移動によって元の原価計算システムに戻って来たときに相殺されるが、その過程は貨幣流通速度と言われるものには全く関係ないので、そういう意味での貨幣流通速度というものは考慮に値しないと私は断定する。」
[27] アルバータ州社会信用党政府は、委員会白書の中で、貨幣数量説に関して誤りと思われる箇所について述べている。「この理論の誤りは、貨幣が「流通する」という不適切な仮定にある。実際には、貨幣は生産に対して発行され、消費のために商品が購入される際の購買力として引き出されるのである。」
Other critics argue that if the gap between income and prices exists as Douglas claimed, the economy would have collapsed in short order. They also argue that there are periods of time in which purchasing power is in excess of the price of consumer goods for sale.
Douglas replied to these criticisms in his testimony before the Alberta Agricultural Committee:
C.H. Douglas defined democracy as the “will of the people”, not rule by the majority,[29] suggesting that Social Credit could be implemented by any political party supported by effective public demand. Once implemented to achieve a realistic integration of means and ends, party politics would cease to exist. Traditional ballot box democracy is incompatible with Social Credit, which assumes the right of individuals to choose freely one thing at a time, and to contract out of unsatisfactory associations. Douglas advocated what he called the “responsible vote”, where anonymity in the voting process would no longer exist. "The individual voter must be made individually responsible, not collectively taxable, for his vote."[30] Douglas believed that party politics should be replaced by a "union of electors" in which the only role of an elected official would be to implement the popular will.[31] Douglas believed that the implemenation of such a system was necessary as otherwise the government would be the tool of international financiers. Douglas also opposed the secret ballot arguing that it led to electoral irresponsibility, calling it a "Jewish" technique used to ensure Barabbas was freed leaving Christ to be crucified.[31]
[29] これは、十分に有効な数の民衆の求めによって支えられる政党であればどれであっても、社会信用政策を実施することができることを示唆している。一旦、現実路線として手段と目的を一つにしてしまったら、政党政治の存在意義はなくなる。従来の
[30] ダグラスは、政党政治は「有権者連合」による政治に取って代わるべきだと考えていた。そこで選ばれた人は、人々の意思を実施に移す役割のみを果たす。
[31] ダグラスは、政府が国際金融家の手先とならないためには、このようなシステムにすることが必要だと考えていた。ダグラスは、無責任な投票行動に繋がるという理由で
秘密投票に反対していた。それをダグラスは、 キリストが十字架に磔にされる一方で
Douglas considered the constitution an organism, not an organization.[30] In this view, establishing the supremacy of common law is essential to ensure protection of individual rights from an all-powerful parliament. Douglas also believed the effectiveness of British government is structurally determined by application of a Christian concept known as Trinitarianism: "In some form or other, sovereignty in the British Isles for the last two thousand years has been Trinitarian. Whether we look on this Trinitarianism under the names of King, Lords and Commons or as Policy, Sanctions and Administration, the Trinity-in-Unity has existed, and our national success has been greatest when the balance (never perfect) has been approached."[30]ダグラスは、国家政体は有機体であり、単なる組織ではないと考えていた。
[30] 彼の見解によると、あらゆる権力を持つ議会から
Opposing the formation of Social Credit parties, C.H. Douglas believed a group of elected amateurs should never direct a group of competent experts in technical matters.[32] While experts are ultimately responsible for achieving results, the goal of politicians should be to pressure those experts to deliver policy results desired by the populace. According to Douglas, "the proper function of Parliament is to force all activities of a public nature to be carried on so that the individuals who comprise the public may derive the maximum benefit from them. Once the idea is grasped, the criminal absurdity of the party system becomes evident."[33]
[32] 最終的な結果責任は専門家にあるものの、政治家にも、人々の望む政治的成果を実現するようこれらの専門家に圧力をかける義務がある。ダグラスによれば、「議会の固有の機能は、あらゆる公的な性質を有する活動を、大衆を構成する個人が最大限の利益を得られるように継続するよう強制することである。一旦この考え方が理解されれば、
C.H. Douglas was a civil engineer who pursued his higher education at Cambridge University. His early writings appeared most notably in the British intellectual journal The New Age. The editor of that publication, Alfred Orage, devoted The New Age and later The New English Weekly to the promulgation of Douglas's ideas until his death on the eve of his BBC speech on Social Credit, November 5, 1934, in the Poverty in Plenty Series.
Alfred Orageは、1934年11月5日、
BBCの番組「豊かさの中の貧困」の中で社会信用論に関して話す予定の前日の夜に死去するまで、雑誌「ニュー・エイジ」、後に雑誌「週刊ニュー・イングリッシュ」で、 ダグラスのアイデアの普及に専心した。
Douglas’s first book, Economic Democracy, was published in 1920, shortly after his article The Delusion of Super-Production[23] appeared in 1918 in the English Review. Among Douglas’s other early works were The Control and Distribution of Production,Credit-Power and Democracy, Warning Democracy and The Monopoly of Credit. Of considerable interest is the evidence he presented to the Canadian House of Commons Select Committee on Banking and Commerce[34] in 1923, to the British ParliamentaryMacmillan Committee on Finance and Industry in 1930, which included exchanges with economist John Maynard Keynes, and to the Agricultural Committee of the Alberta Legislature in 1934 during the term of the United Farmers of Alberta Government in thatCanadian province.ダグラスの最初の本「経済民主主義」は、彼の「超生産という妄想
[23] 」がイングリッシュ・レビュー誌に掲載された直後の1920年に出版された。ダグラスの他の初期の著作には「生産の制御と分配」、「信用力と民主主義」、「民主主義と信用独占への警告」がある。 彼の興味の範囲が多岐に渡っていた証拠に、カナダ庶民院の銀行商業特別委員会(1923年)
[34] 、経済学者
The writings of C.H. Douglas spawned a worldwide movement, most prominent in the British Commonwealth, with beachheads in Europe and activities in the United States where Orage, during his sojourn there, promoted Douglas’s ideas. In the United States, the New Democracy group was headed by the American author Gorham Munson who contributed a major book on Social Credit titled Aladdin’s Lamp: The Wealth of the American People. While Canada and New Zealand had electoral successes with “Social Credit” political parties, the movement in England and Australia was primarily devoted to pressuring existing parties to implement Social Credit. This function was performed especially by Douglas’s Social Credit Secretariat in England and the Commonwealth Leagues of Rights in Australia. Douglas continued writing and contributing to the Secretariat’s journals, initially Social Credit and shortly thereafter The Social Crediter (which continues to be published by the Secretariat) for the remainder of his lifetime, concentrating more on political and philosophical issues in his later years.
C.H.ダグラスの著作は世界中に社会運動を引き起こした。英連邦内の運動が最も激しく、ヨーロッパを足掛かりとして、米国での活動が活発化した。米国滞在中はOrageがダグラスのアイデアを広めた。米国では、新民主主義グループが、社会信用論に関する有名な書籍である「アラジンのランプ:アメリカ人の富」に寄稿した米国の作家Gorham Munsonに率いられて活動していた。カナダとニュージーランドでは「社会信用論」政党が選挙で成功を納めていたが、イングランドとオーストラリアの運動では、社会信用政策を実施するよう既存政党に圧力を加えることに専念していた。この機能を果たしたのは特に、英国ダグラスの社会信用論事務局とオーストラリアにあった
英連邦右翼連合であった。ダグラスは著作活動を続け、はじめは「Social Credit」、間もなく「The Social Crediter」という名称に変わった事務局の雑誌(現在も事務局によって発行が続けられている)に、自分の人生の残りの時間を費やして寄稿した。晩年は、更に政治的、哲学的なテーマに集中していった。
In early years of the movement, Labour Party leadership resisted pressure from Trade unionists to implement Social Credit, as hierarchical views of Fabian socialism, economic growth and full employment, were incompatible with the National Dividend and abolishment of wage slavery suggested by Douglas. In an effort to discredit the Social Credit movement, one leading Fabian, Sidney Webb, is said to have declared that he didn’t care whether Douglas was technically correct or not – they simply did not like his policy.[35]
Having counselled the previous United Farmers of Alberta provincial government, Douglas became an advisor to Aberhart, but withdrew shortly after due to strategic differences. Aberhart sought orthodox counsel with respect to the Province's finances, and the strained correspondence between them was published by Douglas in his book, The Alberta Experiment.[36]前の州政府の政権党である
While the Premier wanted to balance the provincial budget, Douglas argued the whole concept of a "balanced budget" was inconsistent with Social Credit principles. Douglas stated that, under existing rules of financial cost accountancy, balancing all budgets within an economy simultaneously is an arithmetic impossibility.[37] In a letter to Aberhart, Douglas stated:[37]アルバータ州の首相[en]は、州の予算を均衡させたかったが、ダグラスは、
Under Ernest Manning, who succeeded Aberhart after his untimely death, the Alberta Social Credit Party gradually departed from its origins and became popularly identified as a right wing populist movement. In the Secretariat’s journal, An Act for the Better Management of the Credit of Alberta,[40] Douglas published a critical analysis of the Social Credit movement in Alberta,[41][42] in which he said, "The Manning administration is no more a Social Credit administration than the British government is Labour". Manning accused Douglas and his followers of anti-Semitism, and went about purging all of the so called "Douglasites" from the Party. The British Columbia Social Credit Party won power in 1952 in the province to Alberta's west, but had little in common with Douglas or his theories.アバーハートが若くして死んだ後を受け継いだ
右翼ポピュリズムとして知られる運動を行うようになった。事務局の雑誌である「An Act for the Better Management of the Credit of Alberta」で
[41][42]彼はそこで、「マニングの運営方法は、もはや社会信用論のものではない。英国政府は労働党が運営しているのだと言うに等しい。」 マニングはダグラスとその支持者を反ユダヤ主義者と非難し、いわゆる「ドーグラサイト
Social Credit Parties also enjoyed some national electoral success in Canada. The Social Credit Party of Canada was founded with support from Western Canada, and eventually built another base of support in Quebec. Social Credit also did well at the national level in New Zealand, where it was the country's third party for almost 30 years.
Douglas described Social Credit as "the policy of a philosophy", and warned against viewing it solely as a scheme for monetary reform.[43] He coined this philosophy "practical Christianity" – the central issue of which is the Incarnation. Douglas believed there was a Canon which ran through the universe, and Jesus Christ was the Incarnation of this Canon. However, he also believed Christianity remained ineffective so long as it remained transcendental. Religion, which derives from the Latin word religare (to “bind back”), was intended to be a binding back to reality.[44] Social Credit is concerned with the incarnation of Christian principles in our organic affairs. Specifically, it is concerned with the principles of association and how to maximize the increments of association which redound to satisfaction of the individual in society – while minimizing any decrements of association.[45] The goal of Social Credit is to maximize immanent sovereignty. Social Credit is consonant with the Christian doctrine of Salvation through unearned grace, and is therefore incompatible with any variant of the doctrine of salvation through works. Works need not be of Purity in intent or of desirable consequence and in themselves alone are as "filthy rags". For instance, the present system makes destructive, obscenely wasteful wars a virtual certainty—which provides lots of "work" for everyone. Social Credit has been called the Third Alternative to the futile Left-Right Duality.[46]
[43] 彼は、この哲学を「実用的キリスト教」と命名した。その中心課題は
[44] 社会信用論は、私たちの根本的な物事において、受肉というキリスト教原理に関わっている。特に、
共同体の原理や、共同体の不利益を最小限にとどめる一方で、社会での個人の満足に還元される共同体の利益を最大にする方法に関わっている。[45] 社会信用論の目的は、人に
note: キリスト教の「受肉」の本質は、神が人間に大事な事を伝えるためにわざわざ肉体を得たことから、「ためになることを伝える」ところにあるようだ。「共同体の利益を最大にする方法」は、キリストが人間に伝えようとした知恵?の類と同一視されるというのがこの文章の可能な解釈の一つである。キリスト教に詳しい方であれば、他の正しい解釈も可能かも知れない。
note: 「われわれの正しい行いは、ことごとく汚れた衣のようである」(イザヤ64:6口語) http://www.clife.info/sda-osaka/08/080519.html どのような正しい行いでも、「死んだ心をもって何をしても、結果は絶望的」なのである、という意味のようだ。望んでやらない仕事は絶望的ということか。
Although Douglas defined Social Credit as a philosophy with Christian roots, he did not envision a Christian theocracy. Douglas did not believe that religion should be thrust upon anyone through force of law or external compulsion. Practical Christian society is Trinitarian in structure, based upon a constitution where the constitution is an organism changing in relation to our knowledge of the nature of the universe.[30] "The progress of human society is best measured by the extent of its creative ability. Imbued with a number of natural gifts, notably reason, memory, understanding and free will, man has learned gradually to master the secrets of nature, and to build for himself a world wherein lie the potentialities of peace, security, liberty and abundance."[47] Douglas said that Social Crediters want to build a new civilization based upon absolute economic security for the individual—where “...they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid.”[48][49] In keeping with this goal, Douglas was opposed to all forms of taxation on real property. This set Social Credit at variance from the land-taxing recommendations of Henry George.[50]
[30] 「人間社会の進歩の程度を最もよく表しているのは、その創造的活動能力の度合いである。理性、記憶、理解力、自由意思といった自然からの贈り物が行き渡ったことによって、人間は自然の秘密を解き明かし、平和・安全・自由・豊かさを実現する可能性のある世界を作る方法を徐々に学んできた。」
[47] ダグラスは、社会信用論者は、個人の絶対的な経済的保障に立脚する、新しい文明を作りたいのであると述べた。そこでは、「...彼らは、全ての人をブドウの樹と
[48][49] この目標を守り続けるため、ダグラスは現実の財産への課税はどんな形のものも全て反対した。この点が、社会信用論が、
note: 新約聖書マルコ福音書に、3年前にブドウ園の中に植えたイチジクの樹が見つからないとキリストが怒って全て切り倒せと言った逸話がある。http://ha3.seikyou.ne.jp/home/tenryo/mark_061.htm イチジクの樹はイスラエルの象徴で、この逸話自体が裁きの象徴らしい。が、良く分からない。
Social Credit society recognizes the fact that the relationship between man and God is unique.[51] In this view, it is essential to allow man the greatest possible freedom in order to pursue this relationship. Douglas defined freedom as the ability to choose and refuse one thing at a time, and to contract out of unsatisfactory associations. If people are given the economic security and leisure achievable in the context of a Social Credit dispensation, Douglas believed most would end their service to mammon and use their free time pursuing spiritual, intellectual, or cultural goals leading to self-development.[52] Douglas opposed what he termed "the pyramid of power". Totalitarianism reflects this pyramid and is the antithesis of Social Credit. It turns the government into an end instead of a means, and the individual into a means instead of an end — Demon est deus inversus — “the devil is God upside down.” Social Credit is designed to give the individual the maximum freedom allowable given the need for association in economic, political and social matters.[53] Social Credit elevates the importance of the individual and holds that all institutions exist to serve the individual – that the State exists to serve its citizens, not that individuals exist to serve the State.[54]社会信用論的な社会では、神と人間との間の関係は唯一のものであるという事実が認識されている。
[51] この観点から、この神との関係を追求するため、人に可能な限り最大の自由を許すことが重要となる。ダグラスは、自由を、
マンモン [訳註:強欲の神] へ仕えることを止め、自己研鑽を達成するための精神的、知的、文化的目的を追求するために自由な時間を使うであろうと、ダグラスは考えた。
[52] ダグラスは、自身が「力のピラミッド」と呼ぶものに反対した。
全体主義はこのピラミッドを反映したものであり、社会信用論のアンチテーゼである。それは、政府を手段から目的に、個人を目的から手段に変える — Demon est deus inversus —「悪魔は逆さまになった神である」。社会信用論は、経済的・政治的・社会的な社会の要請の範囲で許される限り最大限の自由を個人に与えるよう設計されている。
[53] 社会信用論は、個人の重要性を高め、あらゆる機関が個人に奉仕する状態、つまり、 国家が市民に奉仕するために存在し、個人が国家に奉仕するために存在するのではない状態を維持するものである。
note: 「一つのものを一度に選択又は拒否できること、また、望ましくない人間関係から離脱できること」原文には「ability 能力」 とあるが、この場合は属性というより状況能力なので「〜できること」が適切か。abilityは能力一般のことみたいなので可能か。しかし、この翻訳内容では前後の文脈と余り関係ないのであるが…
Douglas emphasized that all policy derives from its respective philosophy and that “... Society is primarily metaphysical, and must have regard to the organic relationships of its prototype.”[55] Social Credit rejects dialectical materialistic philosophy.[55] "The tendency to argue from the particular to the general is a special case of the sequence from materialism to collectivism. If the universe is reduced to molecules, ultimately we can dispense with a catalogue and a dictionary; all things are the same thing, and all words are just sounds — molecules in motion."[56]ダグラスは、全ての政策はそれぞれの哲学から導き出されたものであると強調し、「... 社会は第一義的には
[55] 社会信用論は
[55] 「特殊例から一般論を議論する傾向は、唯物主義から集産主義までの一連の思想に特有のものである。もし宇宙が分子の大きさにまで小さくなったら、究極的にはカタログや辞書は不要になる。全てが同じものになり、全ての言葉が音— 分子運動音 — だけになるのだ。」
note: 最後の分子運動のたとえ話は、恐らく特殊例の敷衍を揶揄していると思われるが、分かり辛い。
Douglas divided philosophy into two schools of thought that he labeled the "classical school" and the "modern school", which are broadly represented by philosophies of Aristotle and Francis Bacon respectively. Douglas was critical of both schools of thought, but believed that "the truth lies in appreciation of the fact that neither conception is useful without the other".[57]
Social Crediters, and Douglas himself, have been criticized for spreading anti-semitism. Douglas was critical of "international Jewry", especially in his later writings. He asserted that some Jews controlled many of major banks and were involved in an international conspiracy to centralize the power of finance. Some people have claimed that Douglas was anti-Semitic because he was quite critical of Jewish philosophy. In his book entitled Social Credit, he wrote that, “It is not too much to say that one of the root ideas through which Christianity comes into conflict with the conceptions of the Old Testament and the ideals of the pre-Christians era, is in respect of this dethronement of abstractionism.”[58]社会信用論者は、ダグラス自身を含め、
note: ここでの廃位 dethronement は、恐らく抽象主義がキリスト等の人間的要素を排除していることを示すと思われるが、難解である。
Douglas was opposed to abstractionist philosophies, because he believed these philosophies inevitably led to the elevation of abstractions, such as state, over individuals. He also believed that what he called Jewish abstractionist thought tended to lead them tocommunist ideals and the emphasis of the group over the individual. John L. Finlay, in his book, Social Credit: The English Origins, wrote, “Anti-Semitism of the Douglas kind, if it can be called anti-Semitism at all, may be fantastic, may be dangerous even, in that it may be twisted into a dreadful form, but it is not itself vicious nor evil.”[59]
In her book, Social Discredit: Anti-Semitism, Social Credit and the Jewish Response, Janine Stingel claims, “Douglas's economic and political doctrines were wholly dependent on an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory."[60] John L. Finlay disagrees with Stingel's assertion and argues that, "It must also be noted that while Douglas was critical of some aspects of Jewish thought, Douglas did not seek to discriminate against Jews as a people or race. It was never suggested that the National Dividend be withheld from them."[59]
[60] と主張している。ジョン・L・フィンレイはスティンゲルの主張には同意せず、「ダグラスの批判は、ユダヤ思想のいくつかの面に対してのみであったことに注意しなければならない。ユダヤ人そのものや、その人種を差別しようとはしていない。ユダヤ人へは国民配当金を支払うべきではないといった示唆も全くない。」
Federal political parties:
As lack of finance has been a constant impediment to the development of the arts and literature, the concept of economic democracy through Social Credit had immediate appeal in literary circles. Names associated with Social Credit include C.M. Grieve,Charlie Chaplin, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Herbert Read, Aldous Huxley, Storm Jameson, Eimar O’Duffy, Sybil Thorndyke, Bonamy Dobrée, Eric de Maré and the American publisher James Laughlin. Hilaire Belloc and GK Chesterton espoused similar ideas. In 1933 Eimar O’Duffy published Asses in Clover, a science fiction fantasy exploration of Social Credit themes. His Social Credit economics book Life and Money: Being a Critical Examination of the Principles and Practice of Orthodox Economics with A Practical Scheme to End the Muddle it has made of our Civilisation, was endorsed by Douglas.
Robert A. Heinlein described a Social Credit economy in his posthumously-published first novel, For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs, and his Beyond This Horizon describes a similar system in less detail. In Heinlein's future society, government is not funded by taxation. Instead, government controls the currency and prevents inflation by providing a price rebate to participating business and a guaranteed income to every citizen.ロバート・A・ハインラインは、社会信用経済を、死後最初に出版された小説「For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs[en]」で描いている。描写はこれより詳しくないものの、
In his novel The Trick Top Hat, part of his Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy, Robert Anton Wilson described the implementation by the President of an alternate future United States of an altered form of Social Credit, in which the government issues a National Dividend to all citizens in the form of "trade aids," which can be spent like money but which cannot be lent at interest (in order to mollify the banking industry) and which eventually expire (to prevent inflation and hoarding).
シュレディンガーの猫 三部作[en]の一つである小説「トリックのシルクハット」で、
銀行業のあり方を修正するため) 、最終的には無価値になる(
More recently, Richard C. Cook, an analyst for the U.S. Civil Service Commission, Food and Drug Administration, NASA, the U.S. Treasury Department, and author of the books Challenger Revealed and We Hold These Truths, has written several articles relating to Social Credit and monetary reform at Global Research, an independent research and media group of writers, scholars, journalists and activists. Frances Hutchinson, Chairperson of the Social Credit Secretariat, has co-authored, with Brian Burkitt, a book entitledThe Political Economy of Social Credit and Guild Socialism.[61]
- ^ "C.H. Douglas" (PDF).
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1974). Economic Democracy, Fifth Authorised Edition. Epsom, Surrey, England: Bloomfield Books. pp. 18.ISBN 0-904656-06-3. Retrieved 12-11-2008.
- ^ "The Delusion of Super-Production", C. H. Douglas, English Review, December 1918
- ^ a b c d e f g Douglas, C.H. (1933). Credit-Power and Democracy. Melbourne, Australia: The Social Credit Press. pp. 4, 108. Retrieved 12-11-2008.
- ^ Keynes, John M. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London, England: MacMillan & Co Ltd.. pp. 32, 98–100, 370–371. ISBN 1-56000-149-6.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (January 22, 1934). "The Monopolistic Idea" address at Melbourne Town Hall, Australia. The Australian League of Rights: Melbourne. Retrieved on February 28, 2008.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1973). Social Credit. New York: Gordon Press. pp. 60. ISBN 0-9501126-1-5.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1919). "A Mechanical View of Economics" (PDF). The New Age (38 Cursitor Street, London: The New Age Press) XXIV (9): pp. 136. Retrieved 2008-03-14
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1974). Economic Democracy, Fifth Authorised Edition. Epsom, Surrey, England: Bloomfield Books. pp. 74.ISBN 0-904656-06-3. Retrieved 12-11-2008.
- ^ C.H. Douglas. "Warning Democracy". Australian League of Rights. Retrieved 2008-12-18.
- ^ billcasselman.com
- ^ Pollock, Fredrick (1996). The History of English Law Before the Time of Edward I. Lawbook Exchange Ltd. pp. 151
- ^ C.H. Douglas. "The Working of the Money System". Social Credit. Mondo Politico. Retrieved 2008-02-27.
- ^ "The Bank in Brief: Canada's Money Supply". Bank of Canada. Retrieved 2008-02-28.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (April 22, 1927). Engineering, Money and Prices. Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Warning Democracy. pp. 15. Retrieved 2008-02-28
- ^ a b Douglas, C.H. (February 13, 1934). "The Use of Money" address at St. James’ Theatre, Christchurch, New Zealand. The Australian League of Rights: Melbourne. Retrieved on February 28, 2008.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1973). Social Credit. New York: Gordon Press. pp. 47. ISBN 0-9501126-1-5.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (November 24, 1936). "Dictatorship by Taxation" address at Ulster Hall, Belfast. The Australian: Melbourne. Retrieved on February 28, 2008.
- ^ Douglas, C.H.. The New and the Old Economics. Sydney, n.d.: Tidal Publications.
- ^ a b Douglas, C.H. (1934). The Douglas System of Social Credit: Evidence taken by the Agricultural Committee of the Alberta Legislature, Session 1934. Edmonton: Legislative Assembly of Alberta. pp. 90
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1925). "A + B AND THE BANKERS". The New Age (38 Cursitor Street, London: The New Age Press). Retrieved 2010-08-08.
- ^ a b C.H. Douglas (December 1918). "The Delusion of Superproduction" (PDF). The Delusion of Superproduction. The English Review. Retrieved 2008-12-11.
- ^ Pullen, J. M.; G. 0. Smith (1997). "Major Douglas and Social Credit: A Reappraisal". Duke University Press. pp. 219.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1922). The Douglas Theory; a reply to Mr. J.A. Hobson. London: Cecil Palmer. pp. 5.
- ^ a b c Keynes, John M. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London, England: MacMillan & Co Ltd.. ISBN 1-56000-149-6.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1933). "The Birmingham Debate". The New Age Vol. LII, No. 23
- ^ "The Alberta Post-War Reconstruction Committee Report of the Subcommittee on Finance". Simple Text. Archived from the original on 2009-10-26. Retrieved 2008-03-01.
- ^ C.H. Douglas. "The Nature of Democracy". Australian League of Rights. Retrieved 2008-04-13.
- ^ a b c d C.H. Douglas. "Realistic Constitutionalism". Australian League of Rights. Retrieved 2008-02-28.
- ^ a b [1]
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (March 7, 1936). "The Approach to Reality" address at Westminster. Australian League of Rights: Melbourne. Retrieved on February 28, 2008.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (October 30, 1936). "The Tragedy of Human Effort" address at Central Hall, Liverpool. Australian League of Rights: Melbourne. Retrieved on 2008-02-28.
- ^ "Select Committee on Banking and Commerce" (PDF). 1923. Retrieved 2008-12-11.
- ^ Lee, Jeremy (July, 1972). "C.H. Douglas The Man and the Vision". Australian League of Rights. p. 6.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1937). The Alberta Experiment. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. ISBN 0-949667-18-8.
- ^ a b Douglas, C.H. (July 28, 1932). "The Fallacy of a Balanced Budget". The New English Weekly. pp. 346–7.
- ^ Glenbow Museum. "Prosperity Certificate". Glenbow Museum. Retrieved 2008-02-27.
- ^ C.H. Douglas. "The Approach to Reality". The Australian League of Rights. Retrieved 2008-02-27.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1947). "An Act for the Better Management of the Credit of Alberta". The Social Crediter (Liverpool: K.R.P. Publications Ltd.) 17 (23). February 8, 1947
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1947). "Social Credit in Alberta". The Social Crediter (Liverpool: K.R.P. Publications Ltd.) 20 (26). August 28, 1947
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1947). "Social Credit in Alberta". The Social Crediter (Liverpool: K.R.P. Publications Ltd.) 21 (1,2). September 4–11, 1947
- ^ C.H. Douglas. "The Policy of a Philosophy". Australian League of Rights. Archived from the original on 2007-09-04. Retrieved 2008-03-01.
- ^ C.H. Douglas. Brief for the Prosecution. Veritas Publishing Co. Pty, Ltd. ISBN 0-949667-80-3.
- ^ E. S. Holter (1978). The ABC of Social Credit. Vancouver: Institute of Economic Democracy, Sixth Printing, Dec.1978.ISBN 0-920392-24-5.
- ^ Munson, Gorham (1945). Aladdin's Lamp: The Wealth of the American People. New York: Creative Age Press.
- ^ Alberta Post-War Reconstruction Committee Report of the Subcommittee on Finance. 1945.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1954). "Cover". The Douglas Quarterly Review (Belfast, Northern Ireland: K.R.P. Publications) 1 (June): Cover. 1954-55
- ^ Micah 4:4
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1943). The Land for the (Chosen) People Racket. London: KRP Publications Ltd.
- ^ Monahan, Bryan (1971). Why I am a Social Crediter. Sydney: Tidal Publications. pp. 3. ISBN 0-85855-001-6.
- ^ "The Use of Social Credit".
- ^ Monahan, Bryan (1971). Why I am a Social Crediter. Tidal Publications. pp. 7. ISBN 0-85855-001-6.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1920). Economic Democracy. Melbourne: Heritage for Institute of Economic Democracy. pp. 33. ISBN 0-904656-00-4.
- ^ a b C.H. Douglas letter to L.D. Byrne, March 28, 1940
- ^ C.H. Douglas. "Brief for the Prosectution". Retrieved 2009-03-29.
- ^ C.H. Douglas. "Static and Dynamic Sociology". Social Credit. Mondo Politico. Retrieved 2008-03-01.
- ^ Douglas, C.H. (1973). Social Credit. New York: Gordon Press. pp. 22. ISBN 0-9501126-1-5.
- ^ a b Finlay, John L (1972). Social Credit: The English Origins. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press. pp. 105.ISBN 978-0-7735-0111-9
. Archived from the original on 2009-10-26.
- ^ Stingel, Janine (2000). Social Discredit: Anti-Semitism, Social Credit and the Jewish Response. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. p. 13. ISBN 0-7735-2010-4.
- ^ Hutchinson, Frances (1997). Political Economy of Social Credit and Guild Socialism. UK: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-14709-5